Supportive and accessible housing

Find services that help make housing more financially and physically accessible

British Columbia
  • Ontario’s Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy - Ontario Renovates ProgramThis program provides funding to low income seniors and to persons with disabilities for necessary repairs and accessibility modifications to support independent living.
  • West GTA Stroke Network - Community Resources: Downloadable community resource book with a listing of stroke resources available for residents of the West GTA.
  • The Healthline: Enter your community name or a postal code to find health and community services in Ontario.
  • StayWell: StayWell is a registered charity that provides affordable hotel and furnished apartment accommodation for people who need to relocate to Toronto for medical treatment. 
    Telephone: 647-476-8336
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
  • Family and Human Services - PEI Home Renovation Programs: This program can offer op to a maximum $8,000 if you are a person with a permanent disability and if the renovations are to help you accommodate your disability.
  • Seniors Housing Program: The federal and provincial governments provide funding for building and maintaining seniors housing projects. Units can be adapted for accessibility needs.
Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Nunavut Housing Corporation: The Nunavut Housing Corporation provides programs to assist existing homeowners with some of the costs associated with maintaining their homes.
Northwest Territories
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