Questions or feedback

The portal was designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Despite this, because it is entirely new and features a completely fresh look and feel, it might seem unfamiliar. Not sure where to start? Not clear on how you create a course or view your certifications? Check out our Support  pages for all the answers. We’ll be regularly posting updates and solutions to common questions. If you can’t figure out what to do, chances are, the answer is already available or we’re working on it. 

Even though we’ve done extensive testing, launching such a big and complex platform isn’t always possible without the odd hitch or bug. If you get an unexpected result or if you find a bug or broken link, please let us know  and we’ll fix it! 

If you have a suggestion, feedback or even a gripe, we’re all ears. Your feedback got us this far, and we’re keen to keep receiving it to guide our journey of continuous improvement. We want to hear from you, contact us