We’re committed to transparency and timely response to complaints

Heart & Stroke is committed to excellence in all aspects of our work. We strive to create meaningful collaborations rooted in trust with our instructor network and students alike. We value and welcome comments, suggestions, and complaints from individuals in their interactions with our resuscitation program. Feedback helps to improve our policies, programs and operations.  

Our new Complaints Policy  provides an avenue for all resuscitation program stakeholders to communicate with us if they wish to register a concern or complaint. The policy strives to ensure that issues raised by our stakeholders are heard, recorded, and resolved in a fair, impartial and timely manner.
This policy replaces the one included in the Instructor Resource for Resuscitation Program (IRRP).
For more information on our program and operational policies, log in  to the portal and check the Agreements & Policies section.

Click here to read a related story about similar changes to come course names.