Get ready ... change is coming!

We hope you are as excited as we are! At Heart & Stroke, we are committed to improving outcomes from cardiac arrest.  As part of our new resuscitation vision, we are getting ready to launch a completely new online experience that will bring together people who want to learn with people who have a passion to teach. Your role in educating and inspiring new instructors is at the core of this work, and so we’ve included innovations to support you in delivering the very best resuscitation education and at the same time, to streamline your administration tasks. You'll find expanded opportunities to publicize your courses and reach new audiences, and great new digital solutions that will reduce your paperwork.

What will this change mean for you in delivering training? The new portal harmonizes two separate and distinct platforms into one. In most cases, you will pick up where you left off, but with supportive automated features and enhanced work management. In other cases, including for Quebec-based instructors, there may be adjustments that are new to you, but will result in your CPR and first aid training being more accessible, efficient and portable across the country.  In every case our goal is to give you better support and tools to assist your pivotal role in shaping the next generation of best-in-class resuscitation instructors. 

How can you stay updated on the latest information? Bookmark this blog! We'll share details with you and the training network over the coming weeks, through a series of regular communications. We'll share tutorials, webinars and more, leading up to our mid-summer resuscitation portal launch. All information will be posted to this blog: consider it your message centre. 

Designed to be simpler to use and with robust capacity to evolve as science and education evolves, the new portal is part of our vision for an innovative future for resuscitation in Canada. We can’t wait for you to use it! Bookmark it and refer back as often as you need to.

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